Tag Archives: volunteer fundraising

Three ways to elevate your volunteer engagement program

How can you increase the time, money and expertise available to your nonprofit? Some of us want to increase the hours in our days from 24 to 30, others believe “cloning” is an alternative. We understand the lament “not enough hours in the day” and so we offer a proven solution: elevate your volunteer engagement

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How to define goals and direction within volunteer-led organizations

  We recently had the opportunity to facilitate a workshop at the 41st Neighborhood USA Conference (NUSA) in Memphis, Tennessee. Participants came from as far as Alaska and Japan. Memphis bustled with energy from these dedicated community activists, and the estimated $750,000 economic impact they made on the local economy. We caught the buzz, and

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Wearing many hats is not bad

“We wear a lot of hats around here.” This is a common refrain at many small and medium-sized nonprofits. It’s even true amongst larger nonprofits that are under-resourced. Sometimes it’s said with pride. Other times it is followed by a sigh that signals fatigue. We understand both sentiments. If you are one who “wears many

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Yearend Giving: It’s Not Too Late

Don’t be self conscious, there is no such thing as “making” people give. Ask for a specific amount for a specific purpose, be quiet and wait for their response. Asking in person is always important, but social media and email is another way to engage potential donors, especially if you are part of an active network.

How to recruit fundraising volunteers

The ideal fundraising chair makes your goal her goal. She is well respected, has a track record of leadership, and the financial means to make a leadership-level gift. She is someone people cannot say “no” to, and she hates to fail.