Volunteer Management – Ten Things to Consider

Volunteers make all the difference in the world!
Here are 10 things you – as a volunteer coordinator – can consider as you grow your program.

  1. Have you developed a volunteer engagement, management and recognition program for your division?
  2. Are volunteer roles and responsibilities for your program clearly defined, documented and updated?
  3. Are you tracking past, current and potential volunteers and how they can be – or are – of service? Are you tracking their interests, relationships and birthdays?
  4. How do you communicate with your volunteers?
  5. How do your volunteers communicate with you?
  6. How do you inspire and motivate your volunteers on a consistent basis?
  7. Have you developed an ongoing support and training program to support and grow volunteer involvement?
  8. Do you encourage volunteers to make a financial gift to your organization?
  9. Have you developed a volunteer manual to help guide and orient your volunteers to your organization and the needs of the community?
  10. Do you have a “buddy system” that pairs new volunteers with more experienced volunteers?


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