One million women for women

Barack Obama has introduced his economic stimulus package. Cities and states around the country are creating theirs. What will be the women’s economic stimulus package? How can we as individual women and men invest in changing the current and future conditions for women and girls in California and ultimately our country and the world? The One Million Women for Women Campaign launched by the Women’s Foundation of California is one way to invest in this change.

This campaign is asking one million women (and men!) to support change in California. Together we can increase women’s economic prosperity, access to affordable healthcare, safety and leadership. With one million women (and men!) giving $10 each The Women’s Foundation of California will raise $10 million to help change public policy and conditions in our homes, on our streets, and in the workplace.

Giving $10 each we can stimulate investment in organizations and advocates who change the conditions of women’s lives.

Together we can fund grassroots organizations focused on changing the economic conditions of women working in low-wage jobs, part-time jobs, and jobs where women are still not paid a wage equal to that of men. Our $10 gifts – when combined – can fund advocacy and services that provide women with access to affordable health care including a full range of reproductive health services. Together we can provide funding that increases the safety of women and children in our homes, schools, workplaces and communities. And together we can train and mentor California’s women in the ins-and-outs of Sacramento and how to successfully advocate for policy changes that positively impact large numbers of women. Right now 32 women from all over California are participating in the Women’s Policy Institute working on environmental health, reproductive justice, economic and educational justice, criminal justice and elder women’s issues.

As a nonprofit public foundation The Women’s Foundation of California invests in women and girls to build a more just and equitable society for all. The Foundation believes that California’s potential will only be realized when women and girls lead and thrive as full participants at all levels of society.

Let’s join together with our gifts of $10 (or more!) and invest in a stimulus package for California’s women. Take the time to invest in our future and change the lives of California’s women and children.

Copyright © 2009 – Mel and Pearl Shaw

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