Tag Archives: fundraising

What is the grant management process at your organization?

Grant funds are a major source of revenue for many nonprofits. Grant awards are heralded with public fanfare. Gaining – or losing – a grant can have critical implications. Is the grant management process at your organization as proactive as it could be? Consider these two groups of questions as you review your process. Deciding

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Nonprofit communication checklist

Sometimes it is necessary for you as a nonprofit leader to personally check how easy or difficult it is to communicate with your organization. When you verify these for yourself you can best assess your nonprofit’s responsiveness. Check the following to ensure you won’t have to make excuses in the future. Call your office during

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Avoid the special event pitfalls!

Many nonprofit organizations and institutions rely on revenue from special events. If you check any calendar of events you will find many to choose from: 5k and 10k runs and walks; galas with dinner, dancing and awards; concerts; luncheons with nationally recognized speakers. With strong competition for the philanthropic dollar we want to help you

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Secrets to an empowered fundraising team

This is the fifth in a series focused on the prerequisites for fundraising success. Last week’s column focused on building a fundraising team. This week we provide suggestions for creating an empowered fundraising team. The key word is empowered. Here’s the best definition of an empowered fundraising team that we have heard “allowing good people

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Are you really committed?

This is the third in a series focused on the prerequisites for fundraising success. Commitment is critical to successful fundraising. Without commitment, ideas and plans remain just that. Our experience has shown that the full commitment of the board of directors, CEO, staff, and volunteer leadership is key to fundraising success. People who are committed

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Building consensus and reaching agreement

This is the second in a series focused on the prerequisites for fundraising success.  Agreement is the cornerstone upon which a healthy nonprofit is built. Without agreement amongst an organization’s leadership it is almost impossible to sustain successful fundraising. You may be in a situation where there was agreement in the past, but changes in

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Nonprofit mission creep: good or bad?

This is the first in a series focused on the prerequisites for fundraising success. Happy New Year! We hope you are energized and ready to embrace a new year and new fundraising success. We start 2016 by sharing a few nonprofit fundamentals: your fundraising should focus on securing funds and resources to implement your strategic

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