Be Loud and Proud for More Business

In case you didn’t know, March is Women’s History month. We know women make history each day as fundraisers, philanthropists, businesswomen, volunteers, artists… We make history every day in every realm. To celebrate women business owners we asked Caterina Rando, a talented business coach and entrepreneur for her observations.

LoudAndProudThere are two very different and distinct groups of people: the Loud and Proud and the Keep it Quiet.

The Loud and Proud business go out of their way to meet people, share their expertise, speak, write and let people know what they do and the value they bring. They are friendly, always wear a smile, always look good because they are dressed for an insta-connection, a chance meeting or an unplanned conversation with a new potential donor at any moment.

Then there are the Keep it Quiets. They do not go out of their way to meet new people or to let people know about the value they bring. When asked what they do they do not respond succinctly with clarity and confidence.

Do you say you want to accomplish more in private and yet you are quiet about the value you bring to your potential clients/donors in public online and off?

Whatever your answer here are a few more things you can do to proclaim to the world that you are loud and proud and you have value to bring.

  1.  Your phone message enthusiastically talks about your business/mission and the value you bring.
  2.  Your email signature includes your phone number, email and website and any special events or promotions you are currently offering.
  3.  You are loud and proud about the value you bring on your Facebook and LinkedIn. You post your successes and those of your clients.
  4.  *You host your own events to connect with your clients, potential clients and community to provide them some value and connect with them live and in person.
  5.  You host a free webinar or teleclass regularly to share your value with new people and grow your list.
  6.  You write regularly of online or offline publications, you proliferate your articles and keep up with your blog. More importantly you get the word out about it.

Now that you have gotten some ideas ask yourself what you are going to do to be more loud and proud. The louder and prouder you are about the value you bring the more your business will thrive!

Caterina Rando’s life work is showing entrepreneurs how to be loud and proud about who they are and the value they bring. She shares ways to build a thriving business using public speaking, getting published and building your expert platform.

Download your free audio on How to Be A Sought After Speaker at Caterina can be reached at or by phone at 415 668-4535.

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