Let’s Have Faith
Learn about the unique attributes of churches that can drive positive social transformation. Read about the St. Andrew Enterprise in Memphis, TN.
Learn about the unique attributes of churches that can drive positive social transformation. Read about the St. Andrew Enterprise in Memphis, TN.
Learn about the unique attributes of churches that can drive positive social transformation. Read about the St. Andrew Enterprise in Memphis, TN.
By now you may have heard about The Giving Pledge. It is a movement started by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett to encourage other billionaires to pledge to give away at least 50% of their wealth. They want to encourage the richest people in the world to commit to charitable giving either while they are
Here are five sites for you to visit as you prepare to give in support of relief for Haiti. Take a look. Give now. Give a month from now. Give again in six months.
Major Gifts on Limited Time: Using Research to Prioritize Prospects Presented by Barbara Pierce Friday, August 14, 2009, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. Development Executives Roundtable (DER) Location: The Foundation Center, 312 Sutter Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco Co-sponsored by The Foundation Center With so many responsibilities, how do you decide how to use your time
“My wife and I decided to give away all our income above the U.S. median household income.” – Tom Hsieh. Do you know anyone who gives away 50% of their income? Believe it or not, people do. And they feel good.
When you work with a non-profit organization that is in line with your personal mission and values then everything is possible. Your creativity is sparked and you look to engage people with your non-profit and how you can advance its work.
This week America mourns the passing of Ed McMahon an entertainment giant, household name, and trusted American icon. He is remembered by the general public for his 30 years as Johnny Carson’s side-kick on The Tonight Show, his 12 years as the host of Star Search and his 16 years co-hosting TV’s Bloopers and Practical
If your organization is grappling with whether or not to merge with another organization or close altogether, you are not alone. The current economic climate is posing many challenges to the very existence of some organizations. For many donations are down, grants are smaller or postponed, and government funding that used to be relied on
Changes in the economy, the stock market and employment rates impact non-profit organizations and the foundations that provide funding to them. We posed a few questions to Cedric Brown, director of the Mitchell Kapor Foundation related to these changes. 1. How is the current economic climate impacting giving by Foundations? The endowments and total assets