Dr. Coyness Ennix
Do you hire staff to raise money for your organization or are staff members responsible for identifying and motivating volunteers who have the passion and connections to secure the money you need?
We believe it is volunteers who are responsible for raising funds for non-profit organizations. The Alameda County Health Care Foundation’s current campaign to raise $2.6 million for an angiography suite for Highland Hospital is a great example of volunteer leadership.
Working together the foundation’s executive director and the CEO of Alameda County Medical Center are engaging individuals from across Oakland to help raise the last $750,000 needed by the campaign. Cherlyn Spencer, the executive director, and Wright Lassiter III, the CEO have recruited an impressive group of Oakland’s finest to help ensure that all Oakland residents have access to state-of-the-art life-saving equipment that helps patients suffering from trauma and those who have heart conditions or vascular problems.
Volunteer leaders reported on their fundraising activities this past week with a reception at the new Lake Chalet Bar and Grill Restaurant. The costs of the reception were paid for by a foundation board member as a way of demonstrating support and reducing fundraising costs. At the meeting the chairs of the campaign’s divisions shared their plans and activities. Participating were Paul Gallagher, a Senior Vice President at Wells Fargo, who reported on the work of the major gifts division and the foundation’s board of directors; Dr. Coyness Ennix from the medical center who reported on the medical community’s participation; Reverend David Kiteley of Shiloh Christian Fellowship and International Ministries and Father James Matthews of St. Benedict Parish who are engaging the faith community; and Tony Lynch of Alta Alliance Bank and Anthony Thompson, Vice President of Bank of Alameda who are co-chairing the corporate and business division.
These volunteers will be supported by foundation staff who are providing campaign information materials as well as suggestions and strategies to help volunteer leaders meet their fundraising goal. Staff also secured a matching grant of $1 million. This provides motivation for giving as each $1 donated will result in $2 for the campaign. More importantly all funds raised will help ensure that anyone suffering chest pains – regardless of their health insurance status – can have access to the equipment that makes a difference between full recovery and long-term disability, and even between life and death.
To get involved or make a contribution call (510) 437-8366 or visit www.achcf.org.