Author Archives: saadshaw

Is your nonprofit meeting the needs of your community?

Most people we meet believe passionately in the organizations they are involved with. The challenge is to step outside of the organization and look at it within the context of the community. What – if anything – do you need to change? Which organizations are you competing against? How could you be more effective? Ask donors and funders. Ask those who support you and those who have never provided funding.

The Seven Deadly Nonprofit Sins

Nonprofit Sins???? How can this be? Take a moment to review this SHORT list of “dysfunctions” that can get in the way of successful fundraising and nonprofit operations. Let us know your thoughts… Most importantly, share with your fellow employees and board members and explore how you can improve…..

How to recruit fundraising volunteers

The ideal fundraising chair makes your goal her goal. She is well respected, has a track record of leadership, and the financial means to make a leadership-level gift. She is someone people cannot say “no” to, and she hates to fail.